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What is Virtual Organizing?
     Virtual Organizing is the innovative process of helping clients to become organized remotely. It's easy using the telephone, email, digital photos, videos &/or audio (voice) calls, such as Zoom. Just like on-site organizing sessions, Virtual Organizing includes structure, timing and focusing on your goals. However, you do the physical organizing and we provide verbal training, guidance and support. 

Who are Virtual Organizers?
Professional Organizers who provide virtual organizing services have several years of on-site, hands-on organizing experience, high-level listening abilities, and the expertise to transfer (teach) organizing skills as a trainer or coach.

What are the Benefits?
       Sessions can be a "Jump Start" to begin the organizing process or even "Tune-ups" after on-site appointments.  Usually, each is 1/2-hour in length and are a part of a series of 4 or more sessions.  Clients benefit from newly systematized spaces, paperwork, filing systems, information, time management and technology tools.

Who is a Candidate?
       This method to get organized is for persons who need to learn basic techniques or want instruction, and feel they can do the physical organizing on their own (DIYers).  It is also beneficial for long-distance clients and those who have narrow timeframes for organizing appointments.

What Happens?
       First, your sessions are scheduled -- minimum (4) 1/2-hr phone sessions -- and pre-payment is collected.
  In the initial Virtual Organizing session, an assessment of your project is made from your digital photos or Zoom.  You will share your goals and expectations for the project, and an Action Plan with priorities is setup.  Your Professional Organizer will provide recommendations for solutions, and your homework tasks are assigned.
       In follow-up sessions, you share accomplishments & experiences, and your questions are answered. The next area to be organized is discussed, solutions are provided, and your tasks are determined which are to be completed before the next scheduled session.
       Virtual clients tell us that this is easier to do than they expected and the accomplishments are priceless!

Are you prepared before an emergency or disaster? We can help you ...

       A step-by-step guide to organize your important information (details)

Vital Documents Services
       Vital Documents for Individuals Package (details)
       Vital Documents for Do-It-Yourselfer Kit (details)
       Small Business & Personal Scanner Service (details)

You don't have to get organized alone!


Paper Management Information Management Time Management
Clutter Control Space Planning Storage Usage
Techniques Training Records Archival and more



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  Sponsored by
McMillan & Company Professional Organizing and PC Tech Associates
www.organizer4me.com and www.yourpctech.com

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